Friday, 22 November 2019

Capital E in Wellington

At Capital E we made music. The music was fun to make. It was kind of confusing but we got there in the end. The fun part about Capital E was listening to all of the random noises. Some of them were very weird but that was the fun part. Inside the Unique NZ exhibition
The nature place Te Papa was my favourite place. It was my favourite place because of a Maori spiral. If you put you hand on four of the lights more and more birds kept coming and some New Zealand native trees appear. I also liked the giant squid. I thought it looked kind of weird.

Friday, 8 November 2019

Monday, 23 September 2019

Weekly reflectuions

 White hat - list what you have have been learning in class this week

Myth planning and writing, We had the fancy dress dance, Calendar art publishing, Basic Facts learning at home with dad, Publishing my tesselation. Cybersmart

Yellow hat - what has gone well with your learning this week?   

My basic facts Reading and  doing mathletics at home.Myth and legends and calendar art.
Because I finished those things.

Black hat - What has not gone well with your learning this week?  

Cybersmart, I didn't finish it.

Green hat - what can you do better next week  

Not talk to the people around me.
Add a photo or image to your blog post if it reinforces your reflection. 
Pics for this week

This is when we set some instructions for manga-pupa school

These is my steps to my art work. I did it with a buddy at Mangapapa school in Gisborne. Ella was my buddy for the art work. I thought doing this art was fun and frustrating.

This is my weekly reflections

 White hat - list what you have have been learning in class this week

Fractions, Moon landing presentations, Schools got talent, character writing, Symmetry, Fitness

Yellow hat - what has gone well with your learning this week?   

Holes Actives because I finished six of them and My

Black hat - What has not gone well with your learning this week?  

Cyber Smart because I was not there.

Green hat - what can you do better next week  

Work harder at my work and try to get it finish.

Monday, 17 June 2019

My digital footprint

This map tells people what I've been doing in a period of 24 hours. I have not finish my map.

Monday, 13 May 2019

What to share and what not to share on the internet

Today we have been learning about information on what to share and what not to share on the internet